
Coral Gables Adult Education Center was established in August 1974. Since that time our school has expanded its course offerings serving a diverse population of all economic levels and ages at on-campus and three off-campus locations. All academic and vocational teachers are certified by the State of Florida and are well prepared to instruct adults of all backgrounds and abilities. The high graduation and certification rate of our students attests to the excellence of our teachers.

Since its beginning, Coral Gables Adult Education Center has fulfilled a commitment to the local business and residential communities and presently offers afternoon and evening classes four days a week. Learning is a reality at the school where students range in age from 16 to the elderly and represent over 70 countries. A major component of Coral Gables Adult Education Center’s growth has been the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program, now offered in seven levels including specialized classes of Foundations, Reading, Language, and Workforce Readiness.  Also, a major component of the school is the extensive high school completion program. This program allows co-enrolled (day school) students to complete their high school studies and students who have dropped out of regular school to continue studying for their high school diploma. Courses are available in the areas of Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Mathematics for co-enrolled students. In addition to the core courses, electives required to meet high school graduation requirements including Computers, Fine Arts, P.E. and Health are available for students enrolled in the adult high school program on a full-time basis.




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